A great simulator.

User Rating: 9 | America's Army 3 PC
This isn't a game. This is pretty much the third military simulator. Every part of it is realistic, and isn't a waste of time like call of doody 4. This isn't a simple run and gun. This is a hard tactical shooter with team based gameplay. You can take cover, lean, and COMBAT ROLL! You even have the option to go through training offline to practice your skills and reflexes.

-The first realistic videogame that has no element of fiction.
-Very great guns.
-Tactical and team based.
-You can take cover.
-Pretty big maps.
-You play an american soldier, and it feels like your a small part of a big battle. To the guys with no rank, your not even a part of the in-game battle. Your gonna end up standing there and wondering how to play. Here's a tip: GO THROUGH BASIC TRAINING!

-Very laggy. This is the only problem. Even with a new pc and great graphics card, it's hard to run it.