ether pay 50$ for it or get it free... or in other words ITS A RIP OFF! so download it now here at gamespot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 3 | America's Army: Rise of a Soldier XBOX
i was very dissapointed in this game thats why im lucky that i spent 8$ on renting it insted of 50$ on buying it. this game was a tiny bit better than the PCs because of the single player mode but other wise its no different. the sound, Fx, lighting, everything is the same as the PCs. so would you rather pay 50$ for a laggy online experiance or would you rather pay NOTHING and download it for free here at gamespot? and if it doesnt work on you PC WHAT KIND OF GAMER ARE YOU??!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you want a tacktical shooter for the Xbox. try out ghost recon advanced war fighter althogh i havent rented it yet but i will soon case the comercial looks awsome. (im not an ideout i know thats a tralier) but if you can call in air support in real time that will be awsome.