Too realistic

User Rating: 4.5 | America's Army: Special Forces PC
For being the official army game it does a better job of pissing you off than making you want to enlist. The gameplay is makes no sense, there is no singleplayer so there was no thought put into the story or dramatic aspect (this is expected for an official Army game, but still) and it's just plain bad.

Running off of the unreal engine, the graphics are clear and pretty well done. Guns and people look good and accurate to the real thing.

Unfortunatly it's good looks don't save it's gameplay that is only matched in fun by the pumping of a chemical toliet. The bullet trajectory is hard to predict. They never go where you are aiming, so you have to aim above your enemy at certain angles depending on how far away they are from you. Also, it seems as though everyone else playing the game seems to be able to be accurate to the pixel, even while running and standing up, while for some reason you can never hit them. And the honor system is just stupid. You can't get any good guns or anything until you have 15 honor, which is a feat all in it's own. It's very hard to get points in this game. Killing an enemy gives you 10 points, but if one bullet goes into a civilian or an ally, you lose 150 points! "It was an accident! The guy was being stupid!"
"Oh okay, we'll just give you the death penalty."
The gameplay is simply frustrating.

The sound is spectacular because they used the actual gun sounds for each weapon to make it sound authentic. Most game makers don't have any spare guns lying around the building to record with, but since it's the army, why not shoot crap and record the sound?

In conclusion, this game is UNBELIEVABLY FRUSTRATING! It just isn't worth the money, even though it's free.