America's Army, A True Hit!

User Rating: 9.6 | America's Army: Special Forces PC
When i first came across America's Army, i thought it would be one of those infamous games where people depict it to be a stupid free game that has all the hallmarks of being a waste of time... oh how wrong i was! America's Army probably has to be the best internet, teambased, shooters i have ever played. There are so many great things i can say about this game i could go on for a very long time, certainly could exceed a maximum character allowance if there was one. This game is phenominal, by that i mean, for a game that is free, can be downloaded and that provides a massive amount of gameplay, its amazing. If you love teambased, shooters and tactical based games this is for you. The graphics are very impressive indeed and dont really require massive amounts of performance from your computer to perform this. There are many many levels and missions you can perform on the game, through to basic rifle training in Mout McKenna to full blown recon style in special forces missions. Although you need to do training missions before you can actually play on servers this really just adds to the realism of being in the american army. The training is relatively easy and as you progress up the ranks the training required is a lot tougher and with the special forces training actually using american army training questions and tests. Training takes up about 5 - 10% of the overall game. Gameplay and controls are easy to get to grips with simple key functions used!

There are adverse amounts of weapons you can use, some easy to use and some more advanced such as the sniper rifle. Sound is remarkably realistic with choice of surround sound or normal, the title music is powerful and the sound effects of explosions and bullet fire are great.

Overall America's Army is to me the best internet based, team working, shooter out there, and about being free to download, that just makes it even better.. many more of you do agree!