Amplitude takes music games to the next level with its accurate beats and enhanced gameplay.

User Rating: 9.7 | Amplitude PS2
Music is the generation's most popular trend. Everyone listens to music, and often get into the beats. With games that allow you to get into music beats such as Amplitude on the Playstation 2 home console, you can see the sight of different music beats and their speeds.

"Feel the beat," and get into the music! Amplitude introduces you to making music continuously through pressing corresponding buttons to the beats of the sections of the music tempo. Although a storyline doesn't appear to exist in this game, Amplitude takes the stages through the game into higher challenges and adds great replay value.

The gameplay is quite unique. Amplitude plays out as a music maker. Each track in the music tempo such as vocals, drums, bass, guitar, and so on has three beat ranges. To hit these three beats you press three to six corresponding buttons. When the beat comes up, you must press that button with accurate timing. Missing means losing points, which can lead to game over. After one track is completed for a temporary amount of time, you move to the next. You keep moving back and forth between these tracks in the music to keep the song going on until it reaches its first loop point. This marks the end of the current song, and you later unlock bonus and boss songs after clearing specific stages of music.

The graphics are beautifully enhanced. There are many effects added to the scenery in which you create music. The scene appears to change as the music continues, and it will also show parts of music sessions such as a singer preforming for its vocals. The details in each setting are very nicely done and look real solid. A must see for those who are interested in excellent looks in a game.

Being a music game, Amplitude needs to have excellent sound quality, and it has succeeded in its sound department. Because this game is rather unrecent, so is the music used. However, the choices of music for the gameplay is absolutely excellent. Each song gives you a thrilling challenge when playing this game, and it's easy to get into the beat of each song as well. The songs are also enjoyable to listen to, either on the game itself or on the respected albums.

Amplitude's unique look, feel, and design make this game simply amazing. Rhythm games are always enjoyable as a break from other genres, and Amplitude appeals to those who seek a break. With such excellent quality used in this game, Amplitude is a must add to your collection.