New game with old gameplay mechanics And it is not the worst game as what critics claimed.

User Rating: 4 | AMY X360
Sad to say that AMY had an excellent concept just badly executed.

+ Playing AMY feels like playing a mini RE4 even the control scheme is rather similiar. Main character (lana) and a child (AMY) = Leon and Ashley.
+ Old school survival horror (Current market are generally lacking of survival horror games). Good variety of gameplay in the Arcade section.
+good concepts with AMY powers and puzzle elements utilizing AMY
+Interesting story and characters. A potential good IP to begin with.

-No Manual Quicksave option and crappy checkpoints. (making trail and error ridiculously frustrating)
-Some Bad logic puzzles, and most of the game stealth gameplay mechanics are broken. Same Puzzle mechanics are been excessively use and repetitive throughout the entire game
-Dumb AI especially AMY. AI zombies are only attracted to Lana only (player)
-no variety of combat and stealth option. Barely any variety of usable items and its feel like a cheap game.
-really poor voice acting (First guy sounded like his a pedophile). Considering the developers are French, maybe its a good idea to outsource next time.
-short campaign 6hrs (considering losing 1 hr at chapter 5)

Overall, its not a horrible game, it just badly done and incomplete to be released. Considering it to be 800msp = $10 and the only serious survival horror game in Arcade and its worth the value if your into serious survival/horror games.

PS: i played far worse titles especially on IOS/steam (indie) titles with ridiculous pricing. This game however is diffidently not in the category

graphics: 6/10
Gameplay: 2.5/10
Sound: 2/10
value: 4/10