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10 Most Brutal Jackass Stunts Of All Time

For over 20 years, the Jackass gang has been making us laugh and cringe. Here are the 10 most brutal moments from Johnny Knoxville and the crew.


Jackass Forever is in theaters now, full of the kinds of stunts, shenanigans, and immature jokes you love from this franchise. For over 20 years, the Jackass crew has kept audiences on the edge of their seats, hoping nothing goes horrifically wrong, even if it always seems like it's about to.

That said, there are so many Jackass moments from over the years that are simply too brutal to forget–from seemingly near-death experiences to gross-out moments that you wish weren't burned into your brain. What are the 10 most brutal Jackass stunts of all time, though?

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Luckily for you, we've figured that out., So as you prepare to head out and see Jackass Forever in theaters, take a stroll down memory lane to revisit the most ridiculous moments in Jackass history. It's a good way to get reacquainted with the gang of misfits led, as always, by Johnny Knoxville.

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1. Paper Cuts (Jackass: The Movie)

If there's any Jackass stunt that's left audiences writhing in pain at the mere sound of what's happening, it's Paper Cuts. By far the most horrifying piece of the first Jackass film, the gang simply gave each other paper cuts on the webbing between their fingers and toes, long with Steve-O's tongue. It's the worst and none of us will ever forget what it sounded like.

2. Riot Control Test 2 (Jackass Number Two)

A segment that was so good they made a direct sequel to it in the second Jackass film. Riot Control Test 2 went behind just subjecting Knoxville to the torture, adding Bam Margera and Ryan Dunn into the mix--neither of whom seemed very excited about it. Still, all three took the hits from a barrage of rubber balls normally used for crowd dispersal and the bruises they received prove just how harsh the test was.

3. Golf Carts (Jackass: The Movie)

Golf Carts was a seemingly routine Jackass segment, with a number of cast members just goofing off in a pair of golf carts, jumping them off makeshift ramps, and what have you. However, this particular stunt took a wildly dangerous turn when Ryan Dunn flipped a cart with Knoxville as a passenger. Based on the video, it looks like the cart comes dangerously close to landing directly on Knoxville's head, which thankfully didn't happen. "Dunn can't drive for shit," Bam Margera observes.

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4. Department Store Boxing (Jackass: The Movie)

Johnny Knoxville takes hits throughout the Jackass franchise, but none look quite as hard as the hits he takes in this stunt from the first film. In a department store, Knoxville does a little sparring with none other than heavyweight boxing champion Butterbean--a truly massive man you might remember from WWE's Brawl for All tournament in the '90s. Not surprisingly, Butterbean still knew how to punch and Knoxville learned that first-hand.

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5. Medicine Ball Dodgeball (Jackass Number Two)

Dodgeball is a fun game but normally doesn't lead to severe injuries. Then again, it's usually not played in the dark with a ridiculously heavy medicine ball. In this segment from the second movie, the gang simply hurls the ball at each other in the dark, leading to quite a bit of pain. They also don't observe any actual dodgeball rules.

6. Poo Cocktail Supreme (Jackass 3D)

These aren't all going to hurt, but this one sure is disgusting. Locked inside of a portable toilet filled with feces, Steve-O gets thrashed around due to the port-a-potty being connected to two bungee cords, sending him (and the human waste) spinning. It's truly the worst theme park ride ever.

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7. Butt X-Ray (Jackass: The Movie)

This is a mix of gross and painful, as Ryan Dunn puts a toy car into a condom that he then inserts into his anus, just so he could get an X-ray and confuse a doctor. This is the bit that closed out the first movie and, honestly, it sort of perfectly encompasses what Jackass is, for better or worse.

8. Anaconda Ball Pit (Jackass Number 2)

Ball pits are supposed to be fun, but throwing a massive Anaconda into one doesn't make them very exciting. Johnny Knoxville, Ryan Dunn, and Wee Man found that out the hard way, being bitten and squeezed by the gigantic snake. The segment ends with Knoxville covered in blood.

9. Off-road Tattoo (Jackass: The Movie)

Look, there's no way around it. Tattoos hurt. Sure, it's different levels of pain for different people, but at the end of the day, it's still having needles jabbed into your arm over and over again. Whatever the case, perhaps the most painful tattoo of all time was given in the first movie. Sitting in the back of a humvee, Steve-O was tattooed by director Jeff Tremaine as musician Henry Rolling drove at high speeds over rough ground and multiple speed bumps. The end result is a terrible tattoo and so much pain.

10. Lamborghini tooth pull (Jackass 3D)

On the surface, this doesn't seem like too heinous a Jackass stunt, but it certainly was. The premise is that Danger Ehren wants a crooked tooth pulled out, so he ties a fishing line around it, connecting the other end of a Lamborghini. Bam Margera then speeds away, yanking out the tooth. However, according to an interview with Ehren, the tooth rip actually broke his face.

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