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And Now For Something Completely Different!

So this is something new and different for us! It's Brain Bust, our first tournament that doesn't require you to shoot people in the face or run people off the road. You'll answer a bunch of questions as fast as you can in the hope of proving that your gaming knowledge supercedes...


So this is something new and different for us! It's Brain Bust, our first tournament that doesn't require you to shoot people in the face or run people off the road. You'll answer a bunch of questions as fast as you can in the hope of proving that your gaming knowledge supercedes everyone else's. Even better, if you are really good, we'll fly you to the GameSpot offices to compete live on Tournament TV to see if you can handle the pressure on the air! Sign ups start this Wednesday, so be sure to join in.

Good times. Good times.

Update: as an FYI to those interested in Community Game Nights, this week's Game Night is canceled. However, be sure to set aside next Wednesday from 7PM to 9PM PDT, 'cuz we'll be playing Command & Conquer 3 on the PC!

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