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APB E3 2005 Preshow First Look

From the creator of Grand Theft Auto comes an online driving and combat game that sounds a lot like an online GTA-style game.


All Points Bulletin sounds quite a bit like an online version of Grand Theft Auto, and that's probably because it's about as close as you can get without actually owning the GTA property. This online free-form combat and driving-based game is being developed by the creator of the original Grand Theft Auto franchise, and it'll let you fight and drive around a living, breathing city inhabited by players around the world who are just like you and are spoiling for a fight.

You'll be able to create a character and choose which side of the law to live on. If you play as a member of law enforcement, you'll have to support and safeguard justice against players who choose to be members of gangs. Gang members, on the other hand, will look to gain territory and respect. The game will have a large amount of customization, and you can make sure that your character appears unique by choosing from a selection of different weapons, vehicles, and clothes, and even music and attitude.

Korean publisher Webzen says that APB will pack plenty of dramatic car chases, shoot-outs, busts, escapes, and arrests. If you win an "encounter," you gain kudos and cash, the latter of which can be spent on weapons, vehicles, and other stuff. You can adventure through the game on your own, or you can team up with other players to form a group.

As an online game, there will be a considerable amount of persistence in the game's world. In particular, there will be a never-ending turf war, as gangs and law enforcement try to capture key areas of the city and expand their spheres of influence. Apparently, if you gain control of a turf, you get access to the best items, and your group's symbol shows up all over the place. You'll also need to prepare defenses and arm computer-controlled characters to defend your turf when you or your gang aren't online, or else a rival group will just saunter up and take it while you're away.

On paper, it definitely sounds like APB will appeal to the huge fan base of Grand Theft Auto and similar games, and there are plenty of intriguing features. The bad news is that Webzen says the game won't launch for the PC until the first quarter of 2007, so we're at least 18 months from launch. We'll keep an eye on the game, though, and bring you the latest developments as they occur.

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