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Army of Two DLC extends co-op tour of duty

Chapters of Deceit add-on for The 40th Day on 360, PS3 launches in April with two new campaign maps tied into game's existing story.

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After beating Army of Two: The 40th Day, gamers may have thought they'd seen the last of the maniacal Jonah and the 40th Day Initiative army that leveled Shanghai. However, developer EA Montreal today announced that the job isn't yet over for mercenaries Salem and Rios.

The $9.99 asking price for Chapters of Deceit includes admittance to
The $9.99 asking price for Chapters of Deceit includes admittance to "the gun show."

The studio is working on a Chapters of Deceit downloadable add-on for The 40th Day that will add a pair of new co-op campaign maps to the shooter. The maps will see Salem and Rios once again blasting their way through a devastated Shanghai, with a story that ties back to Jonah and his personal military force.

Chapters of Deceit is set for release April 1 on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, with an asking price of $9.99 (800 Microsoft points). For more on the original game, check out GameSpot's review of Army of Two: The 40th Day.

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