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Assassin's Creed creator might reveal his next game soon

Patrice Désilets says, "Probably least I'm working on it."


Assassin's Creed creator Patrice Désilets may be gearing up to show off his next project. Asked by Internet super-sleuth Superannuation (via CVG) if he has any interesting news to share in the coming weeks, Désilets responded, "Probably least I'm working on it."

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According to Superannuation, Désilets has been under a "no-compete" clause since he was let go from Ubisoft last year which has forbade him from showing any new games. This clause is apparently set to end at the end of the month, which would mean that Désilets could show off his new project if he wanted to.

Désilets originally left Ubisoft in 2010 to start a new studio, THQ Montreal, where he was working on a game called 1666: Amsterdam. Upon THQ's bankruptcy, Ubisoft stepped in to purchase THQ Montreal and the 1666: Amsterdam game itself.

The designer re-joined Ubisoft as part of the company's acquisition of THQ Montreal, but it didn't last long. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said the company and Désilets "couldn't align our visio both on project development and team management." 1666: Amsterdam was put on hold and Désilets left Ubisoft again, suing the company on the way out for $400,000 and for rights to purchase the 1666: Amsterdam game from Ubisoft. The status of that lawsuit is unknown.

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