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Assassin's Creed Syndicate's E3 2015 Trailer Showcases a Band of Brothers

Gangs of London.


Ubisoft’s E3 2015 press conference trailer for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate was a packed content showcase of the series’ first foray into Victorian era England. That includes the return of horse carriage pursuits, concealment with the donning of hoods, and lethal takedowns from above.

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I don’t know about the significance of the Devil’s Acre--the presumed primary setting of Syndicate’s London--but there is a similarly named locale in San Francisco where "you could raise ten men for any adventure in as many minutes." Coincidentally, this place gained notoriety in the 1860s, the same time setting as Syndicate. More importantly, this is the time of the Industrial Revolution, so using the exploitation of child labor in factories as a major plot device greatly fits this Dickensian vision of the city.

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The trailer also shows the social prowess of co-protagonist Jacob Frye. It’s a twist on the franchise’s designs on the multiplayer-driven "brotherhood". Rather than enlisting skilled assassins, Frye is enlisting any member of the local citizenry to oppose authority figures and those running the hazardous factories. Known as The Rooks, Frye’s gang moves with confidence and swagger straight out the musical Oliver! I’m genuinely curious how this gang fits into the game’s narrative and the franchise’s overall lore.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate will be released in October this year for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. For more on the game, check out our coverage so far.

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