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Assassin's Creed Victory Actually Named Syndicate, Coming This Holiday

Details on the new Assassin's Creed leaked ahead of its official unveiling next week.

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The new Assassin's Creed game set to be revealed next week is entitled Assassin's Creed: Syndicate and stars an assassin named Jacob Frye, according to promotional material leaked to Polygon.

Ubisoft announced just yesterday that it planned to unveil the newest Assassin's Creed on Tuesday, May 12. This was presumed to be the Xbox One, PS4, and PC game leaked last year under the title Assassin's Creed Victory, which was to be set in Victorian-era London.

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The information obtained by Polygon reinforces this, as it states Syndicate will "transport millions of gamers to an astonishing recreation of London during the Industrial Revolution where they will find themselves immersed in a game world they'll have to see to believe."

Officially, Ubisoft has revealed next to nothing about the game, though it did provide the image above. A teaser website provides some hints that track with a game set during the Industrial Revolution, but specific story details and even the title remain unofficial.

Syndicate's official reveal is set to take place at 9 AM PST on May 12. Stay tuned to GameSpot for the latest.

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