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Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Deal Lets You Save Big On Gaming History

Atari console games, arcade games, and even a finally-made sequel to a game from the 1980s are all included.


Atari is one of the most legendary names in gaming, and its history spans several consoles, arcade games, and even handheld systems. With Amazon's early Black Friday deal on the newly released Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration, you can learn all about Atari's history and play over 100 games.

Typically $40, Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration is just $29 at Amazon during this sale. It's a brand-new collection, so this is a great chance to save some cash without having to wait months and months. The linked deal above is for the Switch, but it's also available on Xbox and PlayStation.

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Now Playing: Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Launch Trailer

Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration is more than just a game collection. Alongside the 100+ games are interactive timelines that mix in interviews with classic game developers as well as trivia to test your knowledge. You'll be able to play games directly from this timeline, giving you a great way to learn about a game's history and then immediately see what the developers are talking about.

One of the collection's coolest inclusions is Swordquest: Airworld. Originally planned as the fourth part of the Swordquest series, which promised a ludicrously expensive prize to the eventual real-life-challenge winner, Airworld had been canceled during the '80s video game crash. Developer Digital Eclipse revived the project, bringing closure (but no fancy jewels or sword) to the series after 38 years.

This is, of course, just the tip of the Black Friday iceberg. For more, check out the best Nintendo Switch Black Friday deals and our full Black Friday 2022 hub.

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