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Atlus Brings Photo Phenom West

Tired of Tamagotchi? The next Japanese fad is coming soon to the US and Europe, and your picture is on it.


Atlus Co. is bringing the latest Japanese fad - sticker photos - to Europe this summer and the US this September.

Technically, it's not a video game. However, the Print Club photo machine is found mainly in arcades and was developed by arcade companies (and game makers) Atlus and Sega Enterprises Ltd. The machine makes a sheet of 16 stickers with pre-printed backgrounds.

Sega, Itochu Corp., IBM Japan Ltd., and other companies are expected to invest in a sales subsidiary, and they're banking on sales of 8,000 machines at retailers and hotels by the end of the year.

In Europe, Atlus will team with London-based Photo Me International, which will install 2,000 Print Club machines next to its own by 1998. Currently, Atlus is exporting the machine to countries in Southeast Asia on a trial basis.

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