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Babbage's Sells One Third of US DCs

Sega has presold 300,000 Dreamcasts in the US, and Babbage's has received one third of those orders.


Babbage's Etc. announced Thursday that it has received more than 100,000 preorders for the Sega Dreamcast console, which will hit streets Sept. 9. To keep up with the frenzied launch attitude, many Babbage's and Software Etc. stores across the country will open one minute after midnight on Sept. 8, so gamers can fire up their DCs immediately.

"We are expecting the biggest single day in our chain's history on September 9, and we want to open early to accommodate the many gamers who won't be able to sleep until they own a Dreamcast," Babbage's Etc. president Dan De Matteo said. The chain expects September 9 be a bigger day than even the best days of the holiday season. There are 485 Babbage's and Software Etc. stores across North America, and the company operates for online customers.

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