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Bad Company 2 getting updated BC1 maps

DICE dishes details on VIP Map Pack 7; will contain original Bad Company's Oasis and Harvest Day environments; no release date announced.


No Caption Provided Battlefield: Bad Company has pushed over 5 million units since debuting early this year. In the time that has past, the title has played host to a number of downloadable packs, as well as the cooperative Onslaught mode. Now, Swedish series developer DICE is gearing up for another virtual assault.

DICE today announced VIP Map Pack 7, a content expansion pack different from the six before it. The pack will contain updated Battlefield: Bad Company maps Oasis and Harvest Day, as well as two new environments from Bad Company 2's single-player: Cold War and Heavy Metal. The downloadable content will be free for gamers with VIP access. VIP membership is free with new copies of the game and $15 otherwise.

Oasis returns to combat in Bad Company 2.
Oasis returns to combat in Bad Company 2.

The original Bad Company environments have been updated with Destruction 2.0, "enhanced graphics and lighting," as well as remastered ambient sounds.

According to DICE level designer Cristian Pavel, not much was lost in translation updating the original Bad Company maps for play in Bad Company 2.

"The map has not been changed drastically, so returning players will feel right at home the moment they step into this Oasis," Pavel said. "The revised parts of the levels are minor. For example, the gold crates in BC1 were located on the rooftops, which we can't have now that entire buildings can collapse. So we had to put the crates on the ground in some places. Things like that."

Unfortunately, DICE was short on details surrounding Cold War and Heavy Metal. However, the developer did note that Heavy Metal is one of the largest environments the studio has ever built and promised more details on the map will arrive this Wednesday. For more on Battlefield: Bad Company 2, check out GameSpot's review.

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