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Battlefield Hardline Could Add Planes Someday, Dev Teases

"If it fits the themes of any additional content, perhaps."

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Upcoming shooter Battlefield Hardline features an assortment of ground-based vehicles and even helicopters for its multiplayer mode, but could the game add planes someday? That's what one fan asked developer Visceral Games recently.

The studio teased that planes could be added if they fit with the theme of future DLC.

"In the initial release no," Visceral said on Twitter. "But if it fits the themes of any additional content, perhaps." The developer added: "No Jets or Tanks in this one."

Jets don't really seem to fit the overall cops vs. robbers theme of Hardline, I'd say. Jets, along with tanks, align better with the core Battlefield military-themed series. While Battlefield fans may not get jets or tanks in this year's Battlefield, they might next year. The Battlefield game due out in 2016 will return to the franchise's military-style roots, according to previous comments from Electronic Arts.

Hardline enters open beta tomorrow, February 3, across consoles and PC. For more, check out the video above and GameSpot's previous coverage about the pre-release mulitplayer trial.

The game's official release date is March 17 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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