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Battlefield Hardline's Killer Couch Nerfed, as New Update Goes Live

The couch hasn't been removed altogether, but a new patch lowers its health and makes it more difficult to repair.


Electronic Arts has deployed the first major update for Visceral's cops-and-robbers shooter Battlefield Hardline. It includes a number of changes to weapons, balance, and gameplay, while also nerfing the game's killer couch.

The update, 1.02, is available now on all platforms. It doesn't wipe out the couch entirely, but it does reduce its health significantly and diminishes the rate at which it can be repaired.

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The couch, called "The American Dream," can be found in Hotwire mode on the Dust Bowl map. It spawns in one of several different locations, but only a single time per round--once it's been destroyed, it's gone until the next game begins.

EA first announced that it would be changing the Hardline couch attributes earlier this month. Visceral decided to take action because the couch was actually proving to be reliably useful to some players, and not a throwaway joke vehicle as the developer had intended.

Outside of nerfing the couch, Hardline patch 1.02 makes a variety of changes to the game's vehicles, Battlepacks, user interface, and weapons, among other things. You can see the full patch notes for the various versions of Hardline through the links below.

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