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Black Friday UK: Best PS4, Xbox One Console and Game Deals [UPDATED]

Sweet dealz.


That's right! Everyone's favourite day of the year is rolling round once again! No, not Christmas; not Easter; not the one day a year the sun comes out--it's Black Friday!

Black Friday is a magical time. A time of loving, caring, and punching everyone in your way to get that sweet £5 discount on bargain bin DVDs.

Only joking, please don't punch anyone.

To help you get the jump on those going to bricks-and-mortar stores, take a look at this list of all the best UK Black Friday Gaming deals in 2016. Where possible, GameSpot has attempted to verify these prices are the cheapest available at the time of writing, but double check yourself for peace of mind.

Best Black Friday PS4 Console Deals, UK

Best Black Friday Xbox One Console Deals, UK

Best Black Friday 3DS Deals, UK

Best PS4 and Xbox One Black Friday Game Deals, UK

For US-specific stuff, take a look at the following retailer-specific round-ups:

Or, check out the following console-specific deal lists:

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