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Black Ops First Strike DLC slams PC March 25

First wave of add-on content for latest Call of Duty game arrives for final platform later this week.


No Caption Provided Call of Duty: Black Ops' First Strike downloadable content landed on Xbox Live on February 1 and on the PlayStation Network on March 3. Now, the content finally has a date with the PC.

According to a tweet from Treyarch community manager Josh Olin, the First Strike DLC will hit the PC this Friday, March 25. The content is currently available for preorder through Steam, and doing so grants $1.50 in savings.

A very vulnerable Berlin Wall.
A very vulnerable Berlin Wall.

As for the content, the map pack includes four new multiplayer environments ranging in locale from the Berlin Wall in Germany to a North American hockey rink. The add-on also bundles one environment for the game's zombie mode, dubbed Ascension.

For more on the maps within the content, check out GameSpot's video preview of the First Strike downloadable content embedded below.

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