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Black Ops II DLC sales to support military veterans

Activision announces new campaign that will give 100 percent of profits from personalization packs to Call of Duty Endowment.


Beginning tomorrow, 100 percent of proceeds from Call of Duty: Black Ops II personalization packs will go to the Call of Duty Endowment, Activision announced today. The promotion is open to those in the United States and runs through next Monday, October 14.

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The Call of Duty Endowment was established in 2009. Its focus is in funding non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other groups that work to find opportunities for those who have served in the military. According to Activision, its efforts have helped more than 1,000 veterans find jobs to date.

In addition, all 17 Call of Duty: Black Ops II personalization packs will be marked down 25 percent during the promotional period.

"For most veterans, there's nothing more important to easing their transition back into the civilian world than finding meaningful work," Call of Duty Endowment executive director Dan Goldenberg in a statement.

Each personalization pack features one unique weapon camo, three targeting reticules, and a new player calling card.

"With this drive, we continue to pledge our support to the Call of Duty Endowment in support of veterans, and really appreciate everyone in our community who contributes to this great cause and gives back," said Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia.

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