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Blitzkrieg: Burning Horizon shipping June 8

CDV announces an official release date for the upcoming expansion to its WWII-themed strategy game.


Today CDV Software announced the official release date for Blitzkrieg: Burning Horizon, the stand-alone expansion pack to last year's World War II-themed strategy game Blitzkrieg. Burning Horizon will add 18 new missions to the game's campaign, all centered around battles fought by the historically renowned German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. The pack will also include 56 new units, including Chi Ha and Pz IV H tanks, Zero, Blenheim, and Vickers Vildebeest planes, Afrika Korps, US Marines and Australian infantry, as well as tweaks to NPC AI and all-new terrain and buildings. The pack will retail for $29.99 when it hits stores on June 8.

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