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Blizzcon 2014 Show Floor Photo Gallery Part 3

If you build it, they will come.


We've already posted part one of our Blizzcon cosplay photos and part two which is also cosplay, but for part three, we wanted to focus on the amazing sites of the show floor. Check out some of the coolest things to see at the convention through the gallery below.

Click on any image or thumbnail below to open up our photo gallery viewer.

Opening Ceremony

Kicking off Blizzard with announcements and hype.

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Warcraft Movie

While you wait for the trailer, you can check out these up close pictures of the movie costumes.

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Concept Art, Statues, and Other Art from Blizzard

A small corner of the convention floor was dedicated to showing off the amazing art of Blizzard.

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Hearthstone Tournament Stage

The Hearthstone stage for the game's world tournament was an impressive representation of an Azeroth inn for players to face off in.

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Massive statues are scattered around the show floor showing off official representations of key characters from all of Blizzard's franchises.

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Merch Booth

For buying stuff.

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Playing Games

Naturally, a big part of coming to Blizzcon is getting to try out new games and new content for those games. The lines for Overwatch in particular were always long.

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The Show Floor

There are plenty of other things to see at Blizzcon. Here's just a small sampling of the random sites and experiences.

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For more from the show, be sure to check out our feature on everything you need to know about what was announced and revealed at Blizzcon 2014.

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