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Borderlands 3's Trial of Discipline Boss Is Getting A Huge Health And Damage Buff

The next boss in the Borderlands 3 True Trials event is ready to wreck your day with increased offense and defense.


If you're looking for a decent challenge and a chance to earn rare loot in Borderlands 3, you can currently try your luck in the game's True Trials event, which pits Vault Hunters against new versions of familiar bosses. Just like the Trial of Cunning boss, the Trial of Discipline boss has received a massive boost to its health and will be dishing out some punishing offense as its damage stats have received a similar buff.

Taking down the Trial of Discipline boss won't be easy, but the rewards are worth the risk as players can earn a Legendary weapon from the base Borderlands 3 game and its third expansion, Bounty of Blood. While you'll be able to add that DLC weapon to your collection, you won't be able to equip it unless you own the expansion. The chest at the end of the Trial of Discipline will also be full of Legendary-class weapons, regardless of how quickly you completed the challenge or how many objectives you scored.

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Gearbox said in a blog post that this hotfix will go live from 12 PM PT / 3 PM ET on all platforms. To apply these changes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that reads, “Hotfixes Applied!”

Beyond that announcement, Maurice's Black Market Vending Machine will be moving to a new location on Thursdays at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET after the hotfix has been activated. Revenge of the Cartels will return with more Revengeance than ever on June 24 and cross-play is coming to almost every platform that Borderlands 3 is available on.

According to Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, cross-play support for PlayStation consoles had to be removed, a situation that might stem from Sony charging a royalty fee for the feature to be used on its consoles.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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