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Bringing back video previews: House of the Dead and Godfather

With the dawning of a new calendar year, we at the GameSpot previews team are trying to expand the sort of coverage we give upcoming games. One way we've been doing this is by bringing back video previews. Most of our video work is limited to on-camera interviews and gameplay demos, but now...


With the dawning of a new calendar year, we at the GameSpot previews team are trying to expand the sort of coverage we give upcoming games. One way we've been doing this is by bringing back video previews. Most of our video work is limited to on-camera interviews and gameplay demos, but now we've started putting together little video vignettes that combine the proper text of a preview article and video footage of the game. Last week, I did a fairly straightforward video preview for The Godfather II, which you can see in HD here, or super compressed down below:

However, this week we went a little more over the top with our video preview for House of the Dead: Overkill. This game is pure bat**** insanity, so we wanted to do something that reflected that. Brian Ekberg is the genius behind this video. He came up with the concept, wrote the voiceover script, and came up with most of the ideas for things we could improv about on camera. Just about the only thing I came up with was my ridiculous name, Dr. 48. Behold in stunning HD, or right here:

We had way more fun than anyone should have while filming that, and we definitely want to do some more video previews like this (as in sticking with the spirit of the game, not necessarily being super vulgar). What games out there would you guys like to see us cover in video preview form? I'm sure there are plenty, so have at it!

Bonus trivia: The character creator in The Godfather II is really detailed and even lets you customize your gang members. So of course I made a maniac Waluigi in perrywinkle. If you ask anyone around the office, they'll tell you I'm terrible with character creation. I always make the looniest people, and often spend more time in that menu than the game itself.

Bonus trivia 2: The suitcase, gun, and fake money used in the HotD video came from a James Bond: Quantum of Solace preview event. It's been sitting under my desk since October waiting to be used in some way. I think we did it justice.

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