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Brute Force to benefit from Xbox Live

Microsoft announces that its upcoming third-person shooter will benefit from both a system link option and downloadable content.


Microsoft has today announced that Brute Force, which is in development at Digital Anvil, will feature system link and Xbox Live support. Although the game's functionality with Xbox Live will be limited to the downloading of new content, the system link option will allow up to four players to play through the entire campaign cooperatively, or up to 16 players to compete in deathmatches.

"We really wanted to make sure, before we brought it out, that Brute Force could be the best it could be," said Erin Roberts, producer at Digital Anvil. "We've added some amazing new features that will make Brute Force the one to watch out for when it hits stores this summer."

Brute Force is a team-based tactical shooter in which players are able to issue orders to teammates. The game is currently scheduled for release in April, and, according to today's press release, there are already two additional multiplayer maps being designed for release via Xbox Live. For more information on Brute Force, check out our previous coverage of the game.

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