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Bungie Teases Future Destiny Content -- "The Future Is Bright"

"I can't wait to show this to the community."


July 7 was a special day for Bungie. It was the seventh day of the seventh month, which the Destiny developer celebrates as Bungie Day. This year, the team left its offices and had a "proper show," according to the latest Bungie weekly blog post. During this meeting, developers took to the stage to "deliver a glimpse at the future of their discipline," Bungie teased.

"We come together as a team to unify around a vision for the future," the developer said. "It's a moment in our creative process that's important enough for us to leave our studio and put on a proper show. We would have loved to have invited you, but that would have spoiled a world of surprises that wait for you down the path you’re exploring. We were thinking about you the whole time."

What could it be?
What could it be?

The blurred-out image is presumably something new in the Destiny universe, or possible something else altogether. It's too early for Bungie to say, but the developer teased, "the future is bright and hopeful, as it always is in Destiny."

"All week long, we're plotting and scheming about the things you'll experience on a long enough timeline," Bungie said. "During every presentation, I sit and think 'I can't wait to show this to the community.' Today, I'm opening a slightly translucent window into our world. Over time, that window will become more transparent--and less pixelated. I can't wait for that."

Things also got pretty interesting, as Bungie executive Pete Parsons even "knighted" some of the new Bungie staffers. Take a look:

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Next up for Destiny is the Rise of Iron expansion, which comes out on September 20 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One--but not PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360. Destiny 2, or whatever Bungie decides to call it, is also in the works and is coming in 2017.

On the more immediate horizon, Bungie will show off some new Crucible updates for Rise of Iron during a livestream set to take place at Gamescom in August. Additionally, earlier this week Bungie announced a new Gjallarhorn-inspired Sparrow called the Gjalalrwing.

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