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Buy an Xbox One, get free copy of Forza 5

Starting this week at "select" US retailers, $500 system will come with a digital copy of Turn 10's racing game.

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Beginning this week at "select" United States retailers, Microsoft will include a free digital copy of Forza Motorsport 5 with purchases of the $500 system. Forza 5 normally sells for $60. Microsoft's Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb announced the news today on his blog.

Unfortunately, Microsoft did not say which retailers are participating in the promotion or how long the offer will last. You're urged to check with your local retailer for specific details. Forza 5 has sold over 1 million copies to date.

Beginning next week on March 11, Microsoft will roll out another Xbox One bundle, offering up a system and a copy of Titanfall for $500. If you're looking for a deal, now seems like a good time to jump in.

Are the new Xbox One bundles enough to get you to buy an Xbox One, or is the $500 sticker price still too high to stomach? Let us know in the comments below.

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