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Canceled Bioshock movie concept art surfaces

A concept artist that worked on the canceled Bioshock movie has posted images he created for the project.

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Concept artist Jim Martin has posted images of work he did for the canceled Bioshock movie to his personal website.

Not surprisingly, the concept art looks remarkably like Bioshock, even depicting some memorable moments from the original game.

According to Martin's IMDB page, he's known for his work on The Matrix Reloaded, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, and Captain America: The First Avenger.

In 2008, having completed his work on the Pirates of the Caribbean film trilogy, director Gore Verbinski signed on to make the Bioshock movie. Verbinski dropped out from the project a year later after he was unable to agree with Universal on the budget and rating he was looking for. According to Irrational Games creative director Ken Levine, Verbinsky was looking for around $200 million for an R-rated film, while the studio was willing to invest $80 million in a PG-13 take on the material, partly because of the poor performance of The Watchmen in theaters.

Verbinski was replaced with 28 Weeks Later director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo for a short time, but In 2012 we learned that Fresnadillo dropped out as well. Since then, the Bioshock film has been dead in the water.

You can find the rest of Jim Martin's Bioshock concept art on his website.

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