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Capital Punishment Round 1 Highlights

Unless you live in a cave, you probably heard that we're having a Gears of War tournament this week, and it's been an absolute blast so far. Gears is a terrific game, and it reminds me of what's most important in video gaming: chainsaws. And blood, guts, and grunting. Would you like to...


Unless you live in a cave, you probably heard that we're having a Gears of War tournament this week, and it's been an absolute blast so far. Gears is a terrific game, and it reminds me of what's most important in video gaming: chainsaws. And blood, guts, and grunting. Would you like to see some highlights? Head here and get a look at the sweet action our tournaments offer.

And don't forget this Friday's Tournament TV. Yours truly, Voice of the Heartland, will be out of the office, so the frag-errific Jody Robinson will be filling in. That there's enough reason to tune in! 

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