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Catch exclusive Yakuza 4 character trailers on GSUK

Yakuza 4's Shun Akiyama revealed in the first of four GameSpot-exclusive character trailers.


No Caption Provided Since it began back in 2005, the Yakuza series has brought us dramatic stories, striking visuals, and quirky Japanese humour. Next year, the latest entry arrives in the shape of Yakuza 4, which will add three new characters to accompany Kazuma Kiryu (the first and third games' protagonist).

Check out footage of Yakuza 4 in action first on GameSpot UK!
Check out footage of Yakuza 4 in action first on GameSpot UK!

GameSpot UK is pleased to announce that it will be premiering character reveal trailers every Thursday from tomorrow, when we will kick off with Shun Akiyama and his soap-opera-esque quest for love. Stay tuned to GameSpot UK as we reveal another character every Thursday through December!

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