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Check Out God Of War PS4's Amazing Concept Art

It sure looks beautiful there. If you ignore people with the axes.


The next God of War game is still a long way off, but recently Sony released several images of concept art for the game that are pretty incredible.

They show off the war-torn, desolate world that you'll be exploring in-game, as well as Kratos looking distinctly Scandinavian. They also depict some of the pretty scary-looking Norse enemies that you'll fight. Kratos's son Atreus also appears, holding a dagger that looks insufficient for taking on the hordes of foes. Check out the images below.

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Now Playing: God of War Gameplay Trailer - E3 2017

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E3 2017 marked the last time we saw God of War in action. We were able to sit down with creative director Cory Barlog to discuss the challenges of rebooting the series; you can read our interview here.

In addition, you can watch the E3 2017 demo of God of War in the embed at the top of this article. The game is currently scheduled for release sometime in Q2 2018.

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