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Coded Arms jacks into the Web

Konami's first-person shooter blasts onto PSPs in late June; Web site features game info, trailer, and screenshots.


Konami's Coded Arms for the PSP may not be available until June 28, but gamers eager to get some info on the shooter can check out the official Web site, which recently went live.

In Coded Arms, gamers will enter a virtual-reality world as a hacker. The realm was originally a training ground for soldiers that were preparing for an oncoming alien onslaught, but it's since taken on a life of its own. The game's cyberenemies manifest themselves as computer bugs, alien intruders, and security bots. To arm themselves, players will find strings of computer code that can be manipulated to form weapons, armor, or power-ups.

The game's Web site explains the game's storyline, as well as introduces the enigmatic hero. Browsers can also check out the game in action by viewing the trailer. Those who prefer still life can take a gander at several screenshots.

Coded Arms is awaiting rating information and is slated to have an SRP of $39.99. For more information, head over to GameSpot's previous coverage.

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