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Commandos 3 E3 2003 Preshow Report

Eidos releases new details on the third game in its World War II-themed real-time strategy series.


Eidos has released new details on Commandos 3: Destination Berlin. The third game in the Commandos series once again focuses on an elite group of soldiers who will participate in a variety of missions set in historically important locations, such as Stalingrad, Omaha Beach, and the Gestapo headquarters in Berlin. While you're going through these missions, you'll have to adjust their strategies to compensate for changes in the environment. Each member of the squad will have special abilities, ranging from stealth and sabotage to demolitions.

Commandos 3 will have online support in the form of a multiplayer head-to-head mode that supports up to eight players. Various improvements have also been made to the interface, making the game a little more accessible for those new to the Commandos franchise. Commandos 3: Destination Berlin is scheduled for release this summer.

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