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Conception RPG spawns this April in Japan

A PSP-exclusive RPG will feature a "baby-making" party-creation system.


There have been few recent updates on Spike's upcoming role-playing game, Conception: Ore no Kodomo o Unde Kure!!, a game in which players must conceive "star-born" offspring to save the world from impending doom. However, the most recent issue of Famitsu revealed that the PSP RPG will be out in Japan on April 26.

Gamers can look forward to sending their offspring into immediate danger this April.
Gamers can look forward to sending their offspring into immediate danger this April.

In the game, a student called Itsuki is given the task of conceiving children with 12-star maidens to save the miasma-enshrouded world of Granvania. Gamers get to determine a child's class type and stats based on the star maiden's personality and the dialogue choices Itsuki makes while wooing these girls. Players are able to control up to 13 party members, and the combat itself is turn based.

For more information, check out GameSpot's gamespace on the upcoming PSP title.

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