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Crackdown 3 Panel At Comic-Con Will Feature Terry Crews

It's a Crackdown panel, but people will surely ask about Doomfist.


There is a Crackdown 3 panel coming up this week at San Diego Comic-Con, and today Microsoft confirmed a big-name guest for it. Terry Crews, who plays the Crackdown 3 character Isaiah Jaxon, will appear alongside Microsoft's Major Nelson on the panel.

The panel takes place on Saturday, July 22, beginning at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET and is expected to run for an hour. Specifically, Major Nelson will speak to Crews about his role in the game and Microsoft is promising "some first looks of his character from the game."

Also appearing on the panel are Crackdown 3 developers, including design director Clint Bundrick, who will share "exclusive new details" about the game's story and characters. If you're lucky enough to be in attendance at the panel (it's in room 7AB), you'll get a limited-edition Crackdown t-shirt and "maybe even a few extra surprises," Microsoft teased.

We'll report back with any big news as it's announced. There is no word on if the panel will be streamed live.

Crackdown 3 launches alongside the Xbox One X on November, and it also plays on Xbox One, as all Xbox One games are playable on Xbox One X. The game is also coming to PC.

Crews--and many of his fans--petitioned Blizzard to allow him to voice Doomfist, who was long suspected to be coming eventually as a playable character. When Doomfist was finally unveiled recently, he sounded noticeably unlike Crews, and Blizzard subsequently confirmed that a different actor was playing the role.

In other news about Crews, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor recently talked about how much he enjoys Playerunknown's Battlegrounds.

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