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Deathmatch in the Dark

TEN adds "lights-out" option to Quake Capture the Flag game.


The Total Entertainment Network (TEN) announced that Quake Capture the Flag (CTF) players can now frag in the dark: The online gaming service has added a new version of CTF that comes complete with a lights out option. This feature, unavailable on other commercial game services, is available for any id-created or custom CTF level title on the service.

To play with the lights out, players must choose the "in the dark" option while creating a TEN game. The chosen level will feature lava pools and other light sources, along with headlamps for each player that can be toggled on and off.

Players can also secure flares, which can be either ignited and thrown or dropped to illuminate a room (small flares come in shotgun shells, large ones from rockets).

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