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Destiny Reveal Event Coming Prior to E3

Bungie plans to offer the first details about upcoming content next week.


Bungie will reveal details of what's next for Destiny ahead of E3, the developer announced today.

The company will host a "Destiny Reveal Stream" on Thursday, June 9, at 10 AM PT. We'll be learning "all about the next threat that you'll confront as Guardians" during the stream, which will be happening on Bungie's Twitch channel.

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Bungie says this will be the "first glimpse at what awaits you later on this year," suggesting we'll hear about the game's next expansion pack. In February, Activision confirmed a fourth expansion would be coming for Destiny in 2016 in lieu of the planned sequel, which now isn't coming until 2017.

A recent leak suggested the new expansion is called Rise of Iron and will include a new raid, as well as a new type of weapon (possibly some kind of hammer or axe). It will reportedly be larger than either of Destiny's first two expansions, The Dark Below and House of Wolves.

Other rumors have suggested the Destiny sequel has been rebooted, with the director of The Taken King expansion, Luke Smith, now leading its development. That remains unconfirmed, and with new Destiny content coming this year, it's unlikely we'll hear about that project at E3.

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