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Devs vie for Cartoon Network award at GDC

Project Goldmaster to pick a winner from Indie Games Fest finalists at next week's GDC.


Up-and-coming game developers will compete next week for the chance to use an original Cartoon Network character in a new downloadable game. Ten finalists will be chosen during the Independent Games Festival, which takes place March 9 to 11 in San Francisco. Then, the winner of the Project Goldmaster award--which gives the developer permission to use a Cartoon Network property in a game--will be named during the Game Developers Conference, held all next week in San Francisco.

"We know there is a great deal of talent and creativity in the independent gaming community, and Project Goldmaster will be a significant opportunity for an up-and-coming developer," said Paul Condolora, vice president and general manager for Cartoon Network New Media.

Last year, Arizona-based game developer Flashbang Studios won the first Project Goldmaster competition. The group created Sealab 2021: Sweet Mayhem, inspired by the Adult Swim cartoon Sealab 2021. The game was launched in November 2004 on, and Flashbang is now working on three new games, including Glorm, due out this month. The other two games are slated for release in the summer of 2005.

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