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Diablo 3 PS4/Xbox One Patch Now Available, Adds New Areas, Items, and More

Greater Rifts, Legendary gems, a new area to visit, and more added in today's free update.

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Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will find the game's first major content update has gone live today, introducing many of the same features PC players saw in August.

The 2.1.0 patch adds The Vault, an area that can be accessed through a portal sometimes left behind by treasure goblins defeated in Adventure Mode. Inside, you'll be able to find especially good drops and a new boss, the Baroness Greed.

A special, timed version of Nephalem Rifts known as Greater Rifts are also new. There is no limit on the number of these you can tackle, but they'll become increasingly difficult as you make your way through them. At the end of each, you can choose to move on to the next level, or you can take a chance on upgrading your Legendary gems. Legendary gems are themselves new in this patch, and are dropped in both Greater Rifts and The Vault.

Other new content includes the Cesspools, an area that you'll come across while playing through Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts; a Legendary item that lets you add sockets to a weapon that doesn't already have any; and a What's New screen, where you'll be able to see what the latest update has brought with it.

Full patch notes are available on the official forums. Blizzard says the update is already available on both Xbox One and PS4; you'll simply need to be signed into Xbox Live or PSN in order to download it.

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