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Dino Crisis' Probs for Mods

Capcom's upcoming Dino Crisis won't play in modded PlayStations. Luckily, we've discovered a way to fix the problem.


As most import gamers know, there has been a rise in the number of Japanese PlayStation games that have been specially protected not to run on PlayStations modified to play games from any territory.The result is a scramble by gamers for updated mod chips and Game Shark codes that can be used to bypass this protection.

The US release of Dino Crisis also contains this protection, and the game will refuse to run on any US system that has been outfitted with a standard PlayStation mod chip. But, like most Japanese releases, there is a workaround. The only catch is that you'll need a Game Shark or other similar device.

Here are the codes, direct from our man on the street:

D014957E 10408014957E 1000

Remember - these codes only work if you enter them into a Game Shark.

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