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Disciples II demo available

Strategy First releases a playable demo of its turn-based strategy game.


Strategy First has announced the release of a playable demo of Disciples II: Dark Prophecy, its latest turn-based strategy game. The 137MB demo lets players undertake one quest from the game.

Disciples II is the sequel to Disciples: Sacred Lands, and it features a number of improvements on the previous game. Players choose to play as one of four factions--the Empire, the Mountain Clans, the Legions of the Damned, or the Undead Hordes--battling for control of a medieval fantasy world. The game includes a new event and trigger system, improved neutral unit AI, hot-seat play, and persistent units that can be transferred from one campaign to another. The game also features an all-new interface and enhanced artwork.

Disciples II: Dark Prophecy will be available in stores later this week for an approximate retail price of $39.99. For more information, take a look at our preview coverage of the game and download the playable demo linked below.

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