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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen makes strong debut in Japan

Re-release of 2012 RPG sells 125,363 units on the week of April 22.


Capcom's re-release of Dragon's Dogma, subtitled Dark Arisen, has made a good first impression in Japan.

Japanese gamers are down with dragons, with some dogmas on the side.
Japanese gamers are down with dragons, with some dogmas on the side.

According to a recent update of the Media Creates sales chart for the week of April 22, the PS3 version of the game was at second place with 125,363 units sold. The Xbox 360 version was at 13th place with 9,483 units sold. The title that beat Capcom's RPG for the first place spot was Friend Collection: New Life for the 3DS, which sold 144,903 units.

Also worth noting is the debut of two Western titles in the region. The PS3 version of Tomb Raider was at fourth place with 35,250 units sold, while the PS3 version of BioShock Infinite was at the 10th spot with 15,747 units sold.

The top 10 list for the week of April 22 is below:

Rank / Title / Publisher / System / Sales Units
1. Friend Collection: New Life / Nintendo / 3DS / 144,903
2. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen / Capcom / PS3 / 125,363
3. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon / Nintendo / 3DS / 38,884
4. Tomb Raider / Square Enix / PS3 / 35,250
5. Steins;Gate: Senkei Kousoku no Phonogram / 5pb. / PS3 / 34,292
6. Animal Crossing: New Leaf / Nintendo / 3DS / 31,711
7. PhotoKano Kiss / Kadokawa Games / PS Vita / 30,172
8. Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon Portable / Kadokawa Games / PSP / 26,030
9. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 / Namco Bandai / PS3 / 17,836
10. BioShock Infinite / Take-Two Interactive Japan / PS3 / 15,747

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