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E3 06: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Hands-On

The Alpha series squeezes its way onto one disc and still has room for Pocket Fighter.


Capcom's got some of the best-looking new games on the show floor at E3 this year, but it's also in possession of some of the oldest games here, too. As part of its compilation lineup, the company is showing Street Fighter Alpha Anthology. We got in nice with a little Street Fighter Alpha 3 in our time with the game.

The version of Alpha 3 on display looks relatively arcade-perfect, which isn't too much of a surprise. The controls are responsive and, generally, it's exactly what you would expect it to be. In addition to Street Fighter Alpha 3, the entire compilation will include Alpha, Alpha 2, Alpha 2 Gold (released in Japan as Zero 2 Alpha), and Pocket Fighter, also known by the hyperridiculous name of Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix.

We're all for the Alpha games getting a release, though the game appears to be a little bare-bones. Online play, obviously, would have been a great addition. And Pocket Fighter would have made a great subtraction, but you can always just pretend it isn't there. The full package is scheduled to be released in June.

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