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E3 06: The Getaway (working title) E3 2006 First Look

SCEE London Studio is working on a new Getaway game for the PlayStation 3. We get a quick look at the game at Sony's E3 2006 Press Conference.


LOS ANGELES--The Getaway was one of the first big Sony-developed PlayStation 2 games announced for the system, and although that game ended up taking years past the system's launch to come out--and despite that game, and its subsequent follow-up's relatively middling quality--it's only fitting that a Getaway game come hot on the heels of the PlayStation 3's release. A new Getaway game was announced for the PS3 recently, and a painfully brief trailer of the game was shown at Sony's Electronic Entertainment Expo 2006 press conference.

Picture, if you will, a well-populated section of urban London. People wander about, doing their typical day to day things. The camera pulls back, further and further, until we start to go inside what looks like a doorway. The camera keeps panning back until we see a man, gruff looking, with spiked-up black hair and somewhat reminiscent of the silent protagonist of Grand Theft Auto III (albeit with a beefed up polygon count). The man is holding a gun, pointed in your direction. The camera continues panning until we see both a dead man, slumped over against the wall of a decrepit-looking building, and a telephone booth, receiver off the hook. And, that's it...

If it weren't for the Getaway logo that displayed at the end, you'd probably have no idea what this game was. As it stands, the trailer really didn't tell us much, save for what the protagonist will likely look like, and that once again, the game is set in London. We'll bring you more on the new Getaway game as soon as it becomes available.

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