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E3 2002: Celebrity Deathmatch impressions

Take-Two displays a pre-alpha version of its upcoming MTV-licensed fighting game.


It isn't on the show floor, but Take-Two Interactive is showing an early version of the Big Ape-developed fighting/wrestling game Celebrity Deathmatch. The game's licensing is twofold. It has the MTV license for the show, which comes with the characters and voices from the show. It also has a handful of celebrities licensed to appear in foam form. The currently licensed celebrities at the moment are Mr. T, Marilyn Manson, Jerry Springer, Busta Rhymes, Tommy Lee, Dennis Rodman, and Carmen Electra. The version shown here at E3 contained Mr. T and Marilyn Manson. Most of the effects, including blood, aren't in the game yet. Commentary and taunts aren't in the game either, but each character will be able to perform taunts. The game features punches, kicks, and grabs. Grabbing opens up a grappling system with a variety of different attacks. As you fight, characters will lose limbs. At the end of battle, you'll be able to perform finishing moves. Mr. T ripped his opponent's brain out and spiked it like a football. Manson ripped out his opponent's heart, Kano-style. The game will feature six different arenas, including the standard Celebrity Deathmatch ring, as well as a mall, a steel facility, and more.

The game will feature multiplayer support and will support Sony's network adapter for peer-to-peer games. It will likely be a broadband-only game, and Take-Two is shooting to get four-player support in the game. Multiplayer games are up in the air, but the standard two-on-two types of matches are in the works, should the game end up being a four-player title.

Celebrity Deathmatch is scheduled to ship in October.

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