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E3 2011: Sony TM's 'PlayStation Vita' in Europe

Widely rumored name of new handheld surfaces in EU trademark office; previously leaked logo also spotted.


With Sony's press briefing at the 2011 Electronic Entertainment Expo just hours away, evidence continues to mount that the NGP will be renamed the "PlayStation Vita."

Evidence that the NGP will be renamed the PS Vita continues to mount.
Evidence that the NGP will be renamed the PS Vita continues to mount.

The latest proof comes in the form of three trademark applications Sony Computer Entertainment filed in Europe for the "PS Vita" and "PlayStation Vita." The trademarks cover a wide array of areas, including "game programs for handheld games with liquid crystal displays" and "consumer video game consoles for use with an external display screen or monitor." A previously leaked logo (pictured) was also associated with one of the trademark filings.

Today's trademark applications come after a week of leaks that pointed to the PS Vita name. Materials reportedly from Sony's E3 presentation showing the NGP bearing the PS Vita and logo name at its bottom surfaced shortly before a blurry image of the handheld's packaging appeared bearing the same logo. So far, Sony has declined to answer requests for comment on the supposed name.

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