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EA: Need for Speed Sold a Lot Better 10 Years Ago

"Need for Speed, ten years ago, sold a lot more copies than it sells now."


The Need for Speed franchise still has a lot of upside when it comes to its commercial potential. That's according to EA developer Ghost Games general manager Marcus Nilsson, who tells GameSpot as part of the new Need for Speed reveal today that the franchise has seen better days when it comes to sales.

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"Need for Speed, ten years ago, sold a lot more copies than it sells now," Nilsson said. "Which means we have a lot of room to move up. We have a global, known brand; it's strong. But I think we have a lot of upside for this franchise based upon getting our details and information and features in order."

Nilsson's comments came in response to a question about if he felt much pressure working such a storied franchise. He said, "Not really, if I'm perfectly honest with you. I don't feel pressure by it. I feel humbled to be associated with it."

The new Need for Speed game, inspired by the Underground series, will launch this fall for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. It's an open-world racer described as a "full reboot" of the series with an "innovative" story.

For lots more on the new Need for Speed, check out GameSpot's full interview with Nilsson.

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