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Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon announced

Bethesda announces a second expansion pack for its 3D role-playing game, Morrowind. First screens inside.


Adding to the already massive scale of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Bethesda Softworks has announced a second expansion pack for the game, called Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon. The expansion is set on the icy island of Solstheim, where players encounter the construction of a new mining colony, which is threatened by rumors of werewolves. From there, players can choose to defend the colony from the werewolves or, instead, join their legions and become a werewolf. Slated for release in May of this year on the PC, Bloodmoon will let players experience snow and blizzard effects and fight new creatures including frost trolls, ice minions, and wolves.

We'll post new details on Bloodmoon as they become available. For now, enjoy the first screenshots of the Bloodmoon expansion.

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